The Button

On Friday night The Boy was getting together with his new Friend. She was taking him somewhere at 6:30, and it was a surprise.

Honey and I had already decided that we were having steak, homemade fries, mushrooms and asparagus. So we asked them if they wanted to join us, and The Girls, for dinner. They said they did.

The Friend brought us purty flowers! She said her mother told to never go to dinner empty handed!

Wasn’t that sweet?

There is no color pop in this picture, that’s what color they really are!


I have mentioned that The Friend needs a blob name. I had The Boy ask her if she had a preference. She said she did not.

Then, Capri Laurie made a suggestion. She suggested Button, for reasons that I am not going to tell you, but I said as in cute as a button! Which she totally is!

Let me introduce you to The Boy’s new friend, Button!


And they had a very nice time at the Whalers hockey game.

In other news, our weather forecasters here in The Mitten are already whipping themselves into a frenzy about the storm of the year we are expecting on Tuesday and Wednesday.





I’d better check my reserves. Maybe get on up to Meijer to stock up on our necessities. You know, cream, butter, kettle chips. I’ll keep you updated, it could potentially get dicey.

Potent Quotable

You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats.  ~Proverb

What Doing On A Friday Night

Well, we Valued the World yesterday. With our 50% off our entire purchase coo-pin. Loverly.

Mousey, The Boy, and The Boy’s friend and former personal chauffer, KT, and I scoured the store. With a large garbage bag to show for our efforts.

I didn’t find too much, which I am more than happy with because, HELLO, I don’t really need anything. But I do love to look.

I feel my best purchase was the unused, Pampered Chef pizza stone. We currently have 2 pizza stones, a Pampered Chef one and another, non Pampered Chef one. We had another Pampered Chef stone that broke when we lived in our old house, so over 12 years ago. We are now prepared if we suffer another breakage. Pizza stone insurance for only $2.98. Regularly around 30-40 dollars. We can now all breathe a deep sigh of relief.


I also found 3 pair of sleep pants. two for Miss Ab-Cat, and the Mickey Mouse capris for Miss Mouselina. Abby’s blue pair were only 75 American cents! The other two were around a buck twenty. Abby keeps telling me that she needs NO MORE sleep pants, but I can’t help myself. I will say that I plan on trying the polar bear and igloo pair on, and if they fit my hind quarters, I will so graciously take them off her hands. They appear to be stretchy, fleecy, comfort in a pant.


Mama Mia, moving in for the shot. What’s a Saturday morning floor picture without a cat?

The Boy found a black cardigan. He is ALL about the cardigan lately. He evidently has a Mr. Rogers fashion sensibility.

He also found some cds by a group called Cat Power. I don’t know if he has heard of them or if he just thought the name was interesting.

Not pictured is a pair of  pink capri pajamas from Villiager for myself. They meet all of my pj rules and are currently in the pile of lights to be washed. Mousey filled up the rest of the garbage bag with the various what not she is known to find. Mainly cute shirts and sweaters. 


Look at these three hooligans. Hanging out at the corner looking for trouble. All nonchalant like. Woke up from a dead sleep because they are nosey, and had to make sure they weren’t missing anything.


After pawing through the racks, we determined that Honey and The Ab-Cat had gone to dinner after their movie, so the 4 of us went to Applebee’s. Then, The Boy and KT went on their merry way to Ann Arbor to see a concert they have been super excited to see for a very long time! With many bands! None of which I have ever heard of!

I then took Mousey to CVS to buy a very essential toiletry item, because all her toiletry needs are essential!, and then dropped her off at sisters Chip and Dale’s, house. Where I inquired if she was planning to spend the night. Because it is not uncommon for us to be waiting for her to call to be picked up, only to have her call and ask if she could spend the night instead.

It was essential that she tell me, as Honey had to go to work, and he is the one who usually has late night pick up duty because I am already 10 toes up. Coupled with the fact that we were expecting another snow event, involving 1-5 inches of snow. As you can clearly see, if she were not sleeping over, I would be picking her up in about 45 minutes. She opted for the sleepover. Thank heavens.

Enjoy your Saturday.

Skyping With Schmenky

I was wondering what in the world I was going to post about today. Then Mrs. Schmenkman and I Skyped, and I had a couple of thoughts.

We talked about American Idol, and how much we are liking Steven Tyler and his nice way of letting people down. As opposed to Randy, who has been a Blue Meanie this season.

She showed me all of her kitty-witties, sleeping around her fire place in various cat places. Like a bunch of Heat Misers.

She told me that she and her husband, Mr. C, are heading down to Florida in March to visit with Capri P and her husband. Along with Capri D, BFG, and an assortment of Capri offspring. They will have a wonderful time!

My main take away from that part of the conversation was I had better get cracking on the afghan that I am knitting for Capri P. When she was here just after Christmas, she picked out many delicious yarns for a throw to put on the back of her island couch. I started it, but there is much knittage to go.

When she was here after Christmas, Schmenky and I made a pinky swear promise to both be down 10 pounds by the time we get together for our annual Memorial Day Hootenanny in May. Schmenk is down 5 pounds. I am down exactly ZERO pounds.

She told me about having to snow blow 8 inches off her very long driveway.

I told her about my physical therapy.

She told me she had to go to town, like Pa Ingalls, to get a replacement cable/DVR box, cause hers is not recording. And that is just wrong.

I told her that we are going to The Value World this afternoon to use our valuable 50% off your entire purchase coo-pin.

I also told her about a new show Honey discovered on HGTV called Cash and Cari. It’s about a girl and her crew that go to homes where they have a lot of stuff, and help the person sell it. By consignment, or estate sale or whatever. The very interesting thing about this show is it is based in The Mitten, not too far from our stomping grounds! Plus, cool junk? Right up our ally!

And that was about the gist of the conversation. Minus a thing or two, or ten.

Tale End of January List

I am feeling very postally challenged this week. So another small list it is.

1. I just remembered that I have one more coo-pin for 50% off your entire purchase from The Value World ! It needs to be used by the end of January. It would have been such a shame to have forgotten about it. We don’t need anything, but I always have the feeling that we might miss something really good. And that would be tragic.

So far, Mousey and The Boy want to come along, and I heard a rumor that The Boy’s old friend and former personal chauffer, K.T., wants to join us before she heads back to college after her nice long Christmas break.

2. Capri Deb and I were both lamenting that we had not been taking many pictures lately for the blob. I haven’t taken any since a couple weeks ago when I showed you the puzzle I was working on. Haven’t even picked the camera up. Not even to take pictures of cute, sleeping, kitty-witties!

3. I am almost finished rereading The Long Winter for the umpteenth time. Gripping every time!!! I feel like I should help them twist hay for heat in my spare time.

4. The Ab-Cat brought me a book from the library, that I had asked her to get for me back in the summer. It is evidently a hot little rental as it has taken her this long to rise to the number one spot on the reserved list.

I had asked her to get me a whole slew of books that I had read about on other blobs. I was questing for a good book last summer, if you will recall. It is called A Reliable Wife. I don’t remember what it was about, or who recommended it. I’ll give it a try.

5. For the first time since starting physical therapy, my back is sore. Maybe this strengthening of the nonexistent core is not going to be so easy. I am actually looking forward to the zingy electrical stimulation this afternoon.

6. Before I go to PT, I will be joining Jip the Farm Dog and CMB for our first luncheon date of 2011. We were hoping The Heifer could join us, but she has prior commitments. Hmph.

Enjoy your almost over, January day.

Know Your States

This is harder than I thought!

The first time I did it, I was tripped up by those little bitty north eastern states. I did much better this time.

A January List

The Mitten is cold. Crunchy cold. The thermometer on the back porch says 2 degrees.

Not uncommon for January, but I am telling you anyway.

There is not a lot to talk about today. So how about a list?

1. It would appear that I have scheduled many maintenance appointments this month. Teeth, The Festival of Boob Smash, PT.

2. I started physical therapy for my lower back. My therapist says my hips, pelvis and my feet are not friends. They have issues.

3. Electrical stimulation and heat on my lower back feels good, when it is not feeling zingy.

4. As I suspected, my core has had a meltdown. It is nowhere to be found.

5. Appointments three times a week at all different times is causing me and my ADD great angst. I think I am going to have to nail them down to one time, to relieve the angst.

6. If this therapy actually helps my back, I will be the happiest girl in the whole U.S.A.

7. I don’t actually know that song.

8. We had lunch at a yummy Middle Eastern restaurant yesterday with our family and The Boy’s new Friend. We have decided that it is our new favorite place to eat! And we all agreed ! That never happens!

9. The Boy’s new Friend needs a blob name.

10. I went to the library to check out The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder. As you know, I read it every year, to extinguish any self pity I might feel during our relatively easy by comparison winter. I am always humbled by the Ingalls’ resourcefulness and tenacity. I am also reminded that I would have made the poorest of pioneer.

11. While at the library, I also checked out Fifteen (which I have read many times) and Sister of The Bride (which I have not had the pleasure of reading) by Beverly Cleary. What am I ? A pre-teen?

A couple of weekends ago we had watched Beezus and Ramona, which was quite cute by the way, and they had a little clip of an interview with Beverly. It brought back all of my fond memories of reading her books when I was young. I loved her books so.

12. Thank you all for your very sweet birthday wishes on the blob’s birthday! Here’s to another year, To infinity….. and beyond!

So tell me, what have you been doing? Reading?

Potent Quotable

Most of us learn our ABCs before we ever darken a schoolroom door. We have little songs, puzzles, and books that teach us the alphabet. But what about our spiritual ABCs? How long before we learn that Adversity Builds Character?
Today you have already had, or will have, a problem. Few days in life are trouble-free. Most of our problems are minor irritants, but maybe you’re going through a crisis just now. In any case, God is more concerned about building your character than solving your problems, though He can do both.


David Jeremiah


Today is the blob’s birthday!

Three years, how can that BE?

Three Januarys ago, Mrs. Schmenkman and I started blobbing. And we are still blobbing!

We had been talking about doing it, and then one day she just up and did it! Life on Sassy Cat Hill was born! And she left me in the dust.

So I gathered my People, because in NO WAY would I have known how to attempt something as technologically challenging as that, and started one the very next day. I did not want to be left out of the blob world, and all of the communicating. Capri Deb had already been on the bandwagon for a few months.

It has been such a fun activity for me! I know I have said this before, but blogging really is my memory bank. If I ever go back and reread entries from 2008, that whole time in our lives comes rushing back. It makes me glad that I bothered to record that silly little story or event. Unfortunately for you Guys, you get to be dragged through the jasmines of my mind. Or as Captain Kirk says “to boldly go where no man has gone before”. Same thing.

I can’t imagine a time when I will not want to continue, but surely there could come a day. When would that be though? Why would I not want to blob about the coming years? And then, HELLO, GRANDCHILDREN??!!

So I am continuing on with this history of our family. This l.o.n.g. love letter to our children. This helpful way to keep in touch with friends and family. This way of fluffing my dendrites. This outlet of expression. This great joy in my life!

A sincere thank you to all who read along and those who comment. Cause you know how I love the comments ! Here’s Capri Kel, trolling for comments ! All of you, known and unknown, please leave me a comment! There are so many of you that I have never had the pleasure to meet.  Never done it? Just de-lurk!  Be like the Who’s down in Whoville telling Horton “We are here, we are here, we are here, we are HERE!!!!!”

Give it a whirl! Love, Horton

I Want To Be A Bunny

This week, a BSF friend had a birthday. A BIG birthday. A 75th birthday!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!

Her name is Bunny. I call her Bunny My Honey, after the book. And because she is such a honey.

She is a tiny, darling, dynamo of a woman. Always has a smile, a kind word, a funny thought, or a compassionate hug for everyone.

She has been in leadership since way before me. She is a children’s leader, and ALL that it entails. It entails a lot.

Some of the entailing ?

A heart obedient to the Lord.

The sacrifice of time away from her family; Mr. Bunny, her children, grandchildren and great grandchild.

She has to get down on the floor regularly, for prayer time, for playing, to get on the level of the many Little People that she has loved over many, many years.

She has loved them, prayed for them, taught them about Jesus and how the Bible is God’s Word, and IT IS TRUE.

Creativity to keep those little ones involved and interested.

Patience for the challenging little lambs.

She has encouraged all of us in leadership. With her faithfulness, her commitment to BSF, the children and to the Lord we serve.

When I think of Bunny, it cements in my mind that we don’t retire from serving the Lord. Sure, the work changes and shifts, the load can be lightened according to our abilities, but it is never finished. Until we stand before the Lord, and He says “Well done my good and faithful servant”, we are here for a reason. We should continue with His work. However that might look for each of us.

We have many older women in our leadership circle who are still leading, still serving at BSF and involved in their churches, still guiding others in their faith walk, still building into the lives of the next generation, prayer warriors for all the needs they see. All without fanfare and special recognition. They are an inspiration in how to walk on, even if it’s with a cane, in orthopedic shoes, or a spring in their steps, like Miss Bunny.

Romans 12:6a
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.


Hebrews 12:1-2

And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.

I want to be a Bunny.

IMG (4) 

Sweet Bunny, right in the middle.

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