Wednesday Hodgepodge

Hi Guys! Thanks for stopping over during the Christmas holiday Hodgepodge, and a special thanks to Joyce for taking time out her holiday break to get us organized!

1. Share something you loved about your Christmas Day.

There was much to love! The food was yummy, the company good, the card games were fun, it was a good one!

2. You get to put five items in a time capsule to be opened in 100 years, what items would you choose and why?

1. A Bible. Just in case our world has strayed so far from the Truth that they have can’t find their Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

2. A picture of our family. I am doing this under the premise that whoever opens this capsule would probably be family that would not have known us. Maybe heard about us, in a good way I hope, but never met us. 

3. My Blog address. I know how much I would have LOVED to find a journal of my ancestors! If they had a notion, they could learn a great deal about us and life from this time period from the blob!

4. A bottle of DaVinci Sugar Free Chai. Everyone should have the opportunity to have a cup of Chai. In my opinion.

5. A People magazine, as a special warning to future generations. If they are not careful, this is what society can devolve into. 100 years ago, who would have ever believed that anyone could be interested in The Kardashians, train wrecks like Lindsay or Britney, our so called political leaders, rich Housewives from all over America behaving badly, who did what nasty thing to win money, trashy people parading their dirty laundry on national TV, or the creatures from The Jersey Shore? We need to warn them, it can happen again!! If we do not learn from our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them. Heaven FORBID.

3. What do you like on a cracker?

Cheese ball!!!!!!! Our family recipe.

3 8 oz. cream cheese

2 pkg of thin sliced beef (around 3 oz.) cut into strips, then into little squares, I use my kitchen shears.

1/4 c. chopped onion

5T. dried parsley

4T. mayo

3t. Dijon mustard

Mix with mixer, shape into ball, have your crackers handy!

4. Do you make resolutions at the start of a new year? How’d that work out for you this past year?

I am not usually a resolution kind of girl. Of course I like to get myself more organized, try and get up on the Eliptical, make an effort to do better at this and that, but never a one big RESOLUTION thing.

That being said, I do have a few goals. In no particular order.

1. Paint Mousey’s bathroom and hang the new curtain, shower curtain, towels and decorations.

2. Do likewise in The Ab-Cat’s room and bathroom.

3. Get back on the low carb bandwagon and lose 15 pounds. At first I said 10, but hey, I can dream big, right??!!

4. Try and control my impulse to call or text The Boy more than I ought to when he goes away to college for the first time in Chicago this semester. I make no guarantees.

5. Make either heads OR tails out of my hair/craft room. It has been on the list for years now, and it just keeps getting uglier and messier. I probably need to stop with all the crafts. That might help.

5. What’s a song or song lyric you’ll associate with 2011?

I listen to the radio or cd’s so seldom I can’t even think of an answer for this one.

6. How will you ring in the new year?

We haven’t decided yet. I know we are not hosting, nor attending a party. We will be ‘tatered up at home, just the way we like it. Fondue was mentioned. Maybe banana splits like we did last year. There is always the possibility of games, movies, cards and our new obsession, Abby’s Christmas WII! I am not even sure who will be here, that’s how much I don’t know.

7. What is something you look forward to in 2012?

As usual, I look forward to seeing our lives unfold. I love having a front row seat to watch our children wade into adulthood. Also looking forward to inching closer to retirement with Honey, he can’t wait!! 

8. Insert your own random thought here

We finally made our annual Ugly Christmas Cookies. The artists were in fine form.


Not these 2 Moody Bible Institute, Chicago bound,  knuckleheads. They either ate their cookies or they were so offensive they could not even be photographed.


Honey’s works of art. He did better than usual. As in not as ugly as usual.


This was my favorite of his. Can any Michiganders tell what his plan was?


The Ab-Cat made the most sparkling beauties. I loved her stocking. I’m pretty sure it was the first time the stocking cutter was used.


Mousey made a gingerbread couple, walking the Red Carpet.


The rest of Mousey’s artistry, and mine.


There you have it, ugliest cookies in town, but DA-licious!!!

Thanks for stopping by! We wish you a Happy New Year!


  1. Joyce said,

    December 28, 2011 at 7:55 AM

    I got a Wi Fit for Christmas and am anxious to try it out. I love the ‘ugly’ cookies : ) Happy 2012 to you all!

  2. Tammy said,

    December 28, 2011 at 9:03 AM

    You know those “Moody Bro.s” will give you blob fodder for quite a while. They are almost dangerous when they are together, you can see it in their eyes.

  3. Laurie said,

    December 28, 2011 at 10:42 AM

    Love the cookies — I imagine the cookie decorating conversation was hilarious!! Was Honey going for the Interstate highway system?

  4. Brenda said,

    December 28, 2011 at 10:47 AM

    I enjoyed your #5 on the time capsule list! I would love to believe that the world will be a better place and the magazine would be an eye opener!
    Happy New Year!

  5. Mary said,

    December 28, 2011 at 12:51 PM

    the cookie decorating brought back some great memories of when I was little! My boys never got into it; even when they were little. 😦

  6. Marlene said,

    December 28, 2011 at 5:06 PM

    I actually have a “time capsule” started in 2000. I will add a Bible to it; one of my old underlined Bibles.
    Also love the cookies. I wouldn’t feel so cookie “challenged” if I could make “ugly” cookies. What a great idea.

  7. deb said,

    December 28, 2011 at 8:24 PM

    Your family Cheeseball has become my family favorite. TJ was so happy to see I made it for Christmas Eve! Your family’s cookies are not so ugly! Maybe you should challenge them to a gingerbread house next year.

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