Tu-ist (The Friday List on Tuesday)

I have a list for Y’All today. It’s always a good way to gather up all the flotsam and jetsam that gathers in my brain.

Do you remember Flotsam and Jetsam?

Ursula’s minions from The Little Mermaid. Sneaky little eels. Anyone with children the ages of ours will remember them. The Ab-Cat, in particular, was very strong in Little Mermaid trivia. Right down to combing her hair with her fork.

It rained ALL last week, and snowed on Sunday. Imagine our surprise when it was 70 and sunny yesterday!!! It was GLORIOUS!!!

Imagine my deep despair that it is pouring out there right now. It will probably cause the cancellation of walking with Keelyody this morning. I will know in about 20 minutes.

I need to walk.

I have made great progress in the DVR watching of Downton Abbey season 3. I have the grand finale episode to watch. The Ab-Cat is breathing a sigh of relief at the 63% on the DVR. A plethora of room to be sure. We have been bumping into the 90th percentile for a long while.

We still have the entire final season of Fringe to watch. We need to plan a marathon soon.

It’s still pouring.

Mother Nature, why you tease us like that?

I have had this annoying thing going on in the center of my back since we returned from Florida. The chiropractor has been trying to eradicate it but has now succeeded in moving it from the center of my spine to the left of the spine, in the dreaded chicken wing area. I wonder if being stretched on a rack might help? I am willing to try.

I am in the process of getting things together to donate to our church rummage sale. There are quite possibly not enough hours in the day to accomplish this task.

I donated an old butter dish in the shape of a cat that had colors that did not match our decor. It had a handle that was a mouse and it was hard to grasp. Plus I needed a little space in the cupboard where I store the butter dishes we already have.

But I then bought a new butter dish at Homegoods in a loverly off white color. It matches our decor and has the kind of handle I like. Handles are important to me.


And once again, we have one too many butter dishes in the cupboard.

I used to buy a butter dish every year when I went on my annual Memorial Day visit to Mrs. Schmenkmans in Virginia. My family used to be very hard on our butter dishes and believe it or not, there were times when we did not even have TWO butter dishes!

I guess my family has become kinder and gentler, we no longer break butter dishes at an alarming rate.

And therein lies the cause of my butter dish overflow.

I needed to go to the post office yesterday to mail something. When I arrived, I changed my mind. Everyone and their brother was up there doing tax related things. I can wait, REALLY.

It then occurred to me that this was The Boy’s fate. I knew from the several phone calls we had already had that day that he was in the same tax related, post office visiting boat.

Due to inclement weather, walking has been cancelled.

Inclement weather reminds me of the song With A Little Luck by Paul McCartney and Wings. Very popular in my sophomore year of high school.

Have I ever mentioned that I was a raging Beatlemaniac in high school? Yeah, me and Suzanne Suzanna Danna. Raging.

Her favorite was John, mine was George. I was so devoted that I gave birth to The Ab-Cat on his birthday, February 25. I know, total fluke.

I believe this is enough random for any one person before 8:00 in the morning.

Have a fine day.

Friday’s List on Monday- AKA M-ist

I was busy on Friday, so I did not have time for the usual list. I offer it to you today.

The Dane’s Grandfather passed away yesterday, thank you so much for your prayers. She is expected back in Chicago this afternoon. I was getting regular updates from The Boy, but he did not seem to have the answers for the things I wanted to know, so I am hoping to have a phone conversation with her sometime this week. She has been a little off the grid while in Denmark. I am sure she is coming home to the kind of behind-ness that goes along with missing a week of college and work. We are glad she was able to go though, I am sure she was a great comfort to her Grandmother, as well as her parents and brothers.

There is a slight possibility that it could be spring. I make no guarantees, but it has been in the 50s for a few days and while walking Keelyody and I saw some green AND a bud!

That means I must get out there with the Preen before the weeds get all cocky.

Honey has had several guys come out to give him prices to build a deck off The Ab-Cat’s door wall, and to replace our wood decks with a Trex like product.

He does this every year, and every year, after getting sticker shock from the estimates, he makes the decision to do it himself.

And then he doesn’t do it, cause ain’t nobody got time for that!!!

Unfortunately for him, this year something has to give or we are going to break some bones falling through some rotten boards.

Anyone care to place a bet on what gives? Honey’s back, his sanity, or his wallet?

The next bet would be what gives next; Capri Kel’s back, her sanity or Honey’s wallet?

Because, as Honey frequently says, we are married and we have to do everything together. Including losing our minds.

I knew the last couple summers were going to be a grueling mix of hauling, clearing and re-landscaping, and they were. I was hoping to have a little breather this year. I am pretty sure Honey was too.

There’s always next summer.

I got through three episodes of Downton Abbey season 3 last night. No one has died yet, but I know it is coming.

Poor Anna and Bates. Poor Ethel. POOR EDITH!!!!

The Ab-Cat will be so happy to have 4 hours off the DVR!

What have you guys been doing?

The F-List

Hi Guys!

I don’t know about Y’All, but I am SO ready for a list. It just soothes my brain to be somewhat random. Just take that somewhat right out of there.

I don’t know if you have heard, but there is bogus propaganda out there claiming it is spring. Whatever we have going on up here in The Mitten, it ain’t spring.

Have you been watching American Idol? OH.MY.WORD!!!!!! Some of those girls are RIDICULOUSLY good! I could not predict a winner here if my life depended on it. Some seriously talented  girl singers.

You know what would be a sad thing? Being a guy on this season of American Idol.

I think it is safe to say that Mariah Carey is the new Paula. Every time she talks, Honey says “what is she saying?”. He now fast forwards through her, just saves time.

Unfortunately for Randy, his close proximity to Mariah causes his comments to also be lost.

One of the things that I find particularly sweet about Keith Urban, which I also found sweet about Steven Tyler, is he really appreciates music and good singers, even if the music is not his genre. He ENJOYS listening and it shows in his expressions and movements.

Randy is still…… Randy, and I am ok with that.

Nikki Minaj. That girl deserves her OWN post. I will say one thing. Waffles. That’s all you need to know.

I tried to watch the first episode of Downton Abbey on the DVR in a moment of downtime. It was pixilating ALL OVER THE PLACE! No spell check, I don’t want to use the word pixilation, THAT makes no sense.

I was discouraged, and have not taken the necessary steps to watch it on Hulu, or whatever.

Therefore, there is still the entire third season of Downton Abbey, taking up valuable percentage space in our DVR.

Ab-Cat mentions this to me. Regularly.

She is the DVR percentage police at our house. She runs a tight ship.

The entire final season of Fringe is also there. It chafes her.

I had lunch with Jip the Farm Dog and CMB on Wednesday. It was particularly nice to dine together because it had been such a very long time since we were all available to do so.

We discussed life, the lives of our children, problems, and and thorny, complicated issues. At the end of our time together, CMB commented that we had tackled  much heavier content than usual. She was right.

Life can be difficult and confusing.

We all agree that life without Jesus would be unappealing in dealing with these matters.

I had another long awaited lunch with Capri Deb yesterday. Similar topics were discussed. Much was pondered.

Our lesson in BSF this week was about Jacob and Esau, reconciliation and forgiveness.

We serve a personal and on time God.

I am reminded,

Genesis 18:14

Is anything too hard for the LORD?

Have a good weekend. Remember what you know.

Pinterest-Downton Style

Downton Abby

Downton Abbey

Trifle! have to make this when we have a DOWNTON ABBY marathon!  Of course I will have to get a Trifle Bowl first.

Downton Abbey

Downton Abby

Downton Abby

Downton Abbey

Can I have an "amen!"?

This Weekend I Went To Downton

Hello my People. I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was a goodish mix of productivity and rest. The best kind.

On Saturday afternoon Mousey and I met up with some friends at the Ann Arbor Value World. I soldiered through the two roundabouts, very grateful there was not one car sharing it with me at the moment we were going through. I still growled the entire time.

Mousey and her friend had heaped carts. HEAPED. They did manage to whittle them down to a manageable size before we headed for the checkout. As I have said previously, I do not have much luck at that particular store. I mainly concentrated on fleshing out my lounging attire, and I did have some success there.

Pajama tops for my previously purchased black an brown pajama bottoms. The raspberry fleecy thing on the left ought to be a perfect addition because of it’s cheery color and it is as soft as kittens. All under $2 with the handy dandy half off coo-pin!


I know, I really don’t need anymore of these type sweaters. But the pink Sigrid Olson for $2.30 and the blue Designers Originals for .80 CENTS, can you say too good to pass up? I have seen this Sigrid Olson name before at The Goodfella’s in Florida and she has such unique prints. I may have to goggle her and see if she is someone special. Anyone ever heard of that brand?


This was a fun little thing! We are going to use it as a shell bag in Florida! We have looked for one at flea markets unsuccessfully. Hopefully it will stand up to the weight of the shells and the sand will just flow on through! It’s not as large as it appears in this picture. Not bad for .20 American pennies!


The weather this morning looks….weird. Misty, or foggy and drippy, and the whole thing looks dangerous. Looks like we had some sort of four legged visitor last night.


Generally, a very good indicator of visibility is if I can see the traffic light. I see no traffic light.


Honey decided to take a “dedicated nap” yesterday afternoon and I decided to take a “dedicated stab” at watching season 2 of Downton Abbey. I made a pretty good dent, about 5 episodes. I was so sad that a sweet character died! And you were right Oklahoma Tammy, I did see veins of humanity in Thomas and O’Brien that I had not previously seen before. I am still not willing to be their friend, but maybe they are not complete lost causes. I really need to get up to speed because the internet is buzzing about something bad that happened on season 3 last night. It was evidently something horrible and I need to get cracking, right quick!

The only set in stone thing on my calendar today just changed. My P.T. appointment was cancelled because my therapist lives many, many miles away and is not traipsing through the ice and sleet and …weirdness to come to work today. That leaves me with working on my BSF lesson and Downton Abby!!! I can work with that. What have you got going on?

Monday, Monday

Hello People.

I am late, late, late this morning. Late getting up, late having chai, late posting. Just late.

I don’t think there is too much to say here.

We had a quiet weekend. Mousey and I took The Boy and The Dane to catch the Megabus back to Chicago on Saturday night, after a yummy fondue dinner to cap off the holiday eating. They are back to eating at Moody, which they both agree is not….yummy.

After the drop off, Mousey and I went to a right down the road Salvation Army. I was thinking it was a Goodwill we had once gone to with our friend Fran years ago. It was the one I was remembering, just had the name wrong. I believe that this thrift store was where I first experienced the thrill of finding a good pair of sleep pants!

I looked at lots of stuff, tried on a few things, but only found a white t-shirt for the Ab-Cat. I am alright with that because I certainly don’t need anything. Sometimes it feels like a little victory to NOT purchase anything. Of course it feels like a bigger victory to find something. The thrill of the hunt you know?

Honey made a good stir fry out of the leftover fondue ingredients and I had my last ice cream sundae of the holiday season. It was vanilla bean ice cream with raspberry sauce and chocolate fondue topping. Oh.My.Word. Scrumtrulescent!

We are now on a new path. Mousey is joining us on the path. The Ab-Cat is as well because she has no use for the kitchen and eats what is served.

We are having soup tonight. The kind is to be decided as the day goes on. It will be chicken broth and have chicken in it because that is what we have. The other things will be decided. As the day goes on. Like I already stated.

Mousey went back to school this morning. Her first class was at 8. Last semester she went to much trouble planning her schedule. No early classes, heck, no classes at all on Monday and Friday. And now she is up at the crack of 7! Going to work at 5 in the morning to supervise all of those senior citizens must have reintroduced her in to the morning.

I need to watch season 2 of Downton Abbey, so I can watch season 3 of Downton Abbey.

I have been going to physical therapy for my second round of tennis elbow. I hurt myself moving chairs last February. I thought I had pulled a muscle or something and waited until May to go to the doctor, after realizing that this was no dang pulled muscle. I had recently replaced my old, despised, doctor with a new doctor, whom I really like a LOT. She knew exactly what I was talking about and told me it was a big long word that starts with E, also known as tennis elbow. She gave me a magic shot and I thought no more about it until I felt the familiar twinges on vacation in November after wrangling luggage.

When I went back in last month to have another shot of magic she was reluctant to administer it because she said at this time of year she KNEW I would not rest it and let it heal. I am pretty sure that the last time I had the shot I did not rest it and let it heal. Perhaps that is my problem? Evidently, they don’t like to keep giving the shots because it weakens the ligament. I can understand that, and now I find myself going to P.T. It is not without it’s charms. Except for the ice. I don’t like the ice. It doesn’t feel good and it gets me all wet.

I am doing the exercises, but they don’t feel like they are doing anything. I don’t mind the ultra sound and I love the massage. The doctor said if things weren’t better by the end of the month to come back and she would administer the magic. It is going to be hard to rest it and let it heal because it is my right arm and I, you know, use it. Regularly.

Can I mention again that I really like my new doctor? One of the things that I like about her is a pin she wears on her lapel. I noticed it the first time I visited her and asked if it was a Star Fleet pin. She seemed a little excited and said yes, it was a Star Fleet Medical Officer pin and I was the only person who had ever noticed! How cute is she? She has a sense of humor too, something I have not always found in my extensive medical field travels.

In a strange twist, I discovered that I know my physical therapist! She and I grew up at the same church, Temple Baptist, and she looks exactly the same! So it has been fun catching up with her.

I’d better post this and start doing my BSF lesson. Monday morning and already behind the 8 ball. Sigh.

I sure can say a lot when I don’t have much to say.

The Doings

I fear I have not gotten back into the swing of things yet. Hence the late posting. I am going to now bombard you with many random things.

The Boy and The Dane return to Chicago this weekend. Mousey resumes college on Monday. BSF does start back up tomorrow and I need to get cracking on finishing up my lesson. I have only had THREE WEEKS to do it. All this down time has made me….unproductive.

I have been focusing some of my time trying to learn how to use my new iPad. I mainly wait for Mousey to become available and then she tells me what to do.

One of my resolutions this year is to make better use of my camera. Taking pictures AND learning how to use the settings.

Next Monday the eating train leaves the depot. Honey and I are getting back on the right track.

There is a lot of television happening this month. I dvr’d  the premiere episode of the third season of Downton Abby because I have not finished season two. I’d best get right on that.

Between The Biggest Loser, American Idol, Top Chef, and not to mention the new shows we are going to try, I will almost be too busy to grow my toenails. Almost.

Our CareGroup starts back up on Friday. I have missed them and it will be nice to catch up. Another reason why the eating train leaves on Monday and not sooner.

I have been wearing nail polish for the last month or so. After not wearing nail polish for several years. What up with that?

My Christmas cards are in the mail as of yesterday!!!!!!! Better late than never, right?

People who know me well don’t expect to get our Christmas card before Christmas. Therefore they are not surprised. To all the others? SURPRISE!!!!

I only have one Christmas present to return, and one to exchange. Pretty good for all of us!

What have you been doing? Do share.

I will just be here waiting to read what you say. And growing my toenails. It’s a full time job if I want to be sandal ready by our vacation to Florida in March.

It’s The End Of The World As We Know It

Hey Y’all!

Greetings from the waterlogged Mitten. NOT complaining, super glad it is not snow!

I am not done with all the Christmas stuff, but it is getting there.

Everything is wrapped, but still need a couple things from the store.

Need to go to the grocery for everyday things, plus ingredients for what we will be taking to my aunt and uncle’s on Christmas Day.

We have not made ugly sugar cookies….yet.

I haven’t baked anything except some Sinful Saltines and a batch of shortbread that I gave away as gifts.

My Christmas cards, with note AND letter, should be in the mail sometime between Christmas and New Years.

Or the week after. But hey, it’s all good, right?

Honey is under the kitchen sink right now because no water is coming out.

Sink, why you do us like that?

I heard a rumor that the world is ending today.

Then it’s a good thing I didn’t get all wigged out about getting those cards in the mail.

That would have been a waste of my last days!

The Boy and The Dane are home!

I just discovered that Mama Mia likes her belly rubbed. Lightly. How did I not know that?

Honey just left for Lowe’s. The sink repair is not going well.

I need to finish up the errands today.

It’s getting cold and blustery out there.

Of course it is.

I hope 2012 is on tv later tonight.

It’s a preposterous movie, but fitting for the day.

If it were the last day on earth, which creature comfort would you miss the most?

I am going to say chai.

But you knew that, didn’t you?

Catch Up and See You Later!

Hi Guys!

We have been in the midst of a Hectic. How about a list?

1. Mousey got her wisdom teeth out last Tuesday. She came through with flying colors except for the allergic reaction to the penicillin. Her nurse and oral surgeon were all over it and they watched her like a hawk until the Benadryl kicked in and her pink puffy face and hive-y chest returned to normal. We will have to mention this new development to her physician. Other than that she was mainly concerned about having me put some chap stick on her lips, showing me how the light looked like waves in an ocean, and wanting me to find out if she could have smoothies with seeds. She was hilariously funny.

2. She could NOT have smoothies with seeds, in case you were wondering.

3. Honey and I have been cleaning. He shampooed the carpets, and I cleaned anything I came into contact with, and dad gum it, if there wasn’t always something more to clean!

4. Ab-Cat was in a 5 car accident on Friday. She was fine, fine, fine, but her car is broken a little. She was in the middle of a car sandwich and her back end is scrunched. This has affected the opening of her doors and her muffler. You can hear her a comin’ round the mountain, that’s for sure. It will have to have a complete check up very soon. I discovered yesterday that I could hardly put gas in the tank. The pump kept shutting off like it was full, so there is something wrong there. The wheelchair ramp and the mechanical doors are very touchy, so that needs to get looked at as well. We are just thankful that she was fine. I think everyone involved was fine, but Honey said about 3 of those cars were totaled.

5. We had a good time at our annual Caregroup summer get together, even though not everyone was able to make it. It was also unseasonably cool that day.

6. I was out there in my sleeveless shirt, NOT complaining.

7. My coleus are BEAUTIMOUS this year. I cannot say it enough!






Not a coleus, but I am loving the new shelf thingy.


8. Honey plugged in his fountain.


9. It’s a Day-go thing.

10. The Boy, Ab-Cat and I went and say The Bourne Legacy yesterday.

11. It was very good. I don’t know what the critics are complaining about.

12. Jeremy Renner is not Matt Damon, but he has his own charm.

13. I am heading out tomorrow with the Caregroup Gals for our annual Girls Getaway to South Haven on Lake Michigan. We are having a big group this year! It is always a fun time.

14. The Boy is beyond excited, his “friend” The Dane is coming to visit on Tuesday from Denmark. Hence her name.

We are all looking forward to making her real acquaintance, as opposed to her skype acquaintance. I will have to wait to meet her, I won’t be back home until Thursday. BOO. Nor will I be blobbing. I am taking the Netbook, so that could change, but it’s a very slim chance. There is much to do over yonder in The Mitten!

15. Good GRIEF, I am glad the Olympics are over! We thoroughly enjoyed them but. holy COW, they took up a lot of time! Even on DVR!

Your thoughts on the closing ceremonies?

Have a good week!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Hi Guys! Another Wednesday, another Hodgepodge. As always, my thanks to Joyce From This Side of The Pond for gathering us together.

1. In an effort to combat obesity, the mayor of NYC has plans to ban the sale of large sugary drinks (anything over 16 oz.), initially in restaurants, movie theatres, and street carts. Corner stores would also be affected if they are defined as food service establishments. You can read more here . Your thoughts?

When I first heard this is sounded ridiculous and my thoughts have not changed much. Do I think people need to drink that much pop? Of course not, but PEOPLE, is this a hill to die on?

One can smoke like a chimney until their hearts are content and their lungs are black, or drink themselves out of a perfectly fine, God given liver, and we are going to single out too large, carbonated beverages as a massive health threat?

Why is buying a large size pop any different that being able to have unlimited refills? Who decides how much is TOO much food to consume at one sitting? What if someone says that coffee causes too much morning stimulation and contributes to road rage?

To quote the fine, fake, American, Forrest Gump, “Mama always said, stupid is as stupid does”.

The ban would not personally affect me one iota. I typically only have a Diet Coke at Mexican Fiesta because I feel that water with Mexican food is just wrong, and it is my perogative to do so.

2. Art festival, music festival, food festival…which would you most like to attend?

I am not really a festival kind of girl.

3. What are you irrational about?

Probably my insistence of clean hands when my family comes into the house. I don’t care that you washed them before you left where ever you came from, or that they are clean, wash them again before you germ up the house with your outside hands! I don’t have to say this much anymore, they are like trained seals.

4. Do you feel confident you’ll have a comfortable retirement?

Honey is all over that sort of stuff, he is a planner, so I would say yes. Of course, God could have other plans.

5. What’s been your favorite Olympic moment so far? (Not ever, just in the 2012 Summer games)

I am going to have to say the race and back story with Oskar Pistorius, the South African paralympic athlete.

The Subject and I had a conversation last night. He thinks Oskar has an unfair advantage. I disagree. I am pretty sure he would not want to have his legs amputated below the knees and attempt running on blades to prove his point.

South Africa’s Oscar Pistorius, right, exchanges bibs with Grenada’s Kirani James, who won the heat. (Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images)


 6. What would you label as the messiest room in your house?

Easy peasy, MOUSEY’S room!

7. Do you follow your heart or your head?

This is probably not the answer Joyce is looking for, but I can’t answer it any other way; my heart and head are co-partners. I don’t feel I am an overly emotional decision maker, but I am also not super analytical. I think about the facts, factor in the feelings, then listen for the Holy Spirit’s leading. That is who I follow.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My thought is he is a big old hunk of honey.

An inspiration and he seems like a very fine gentleman. He lost his race, but he is a winner at life.

Have a good week!

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