Throw Another Log On The Fire

Greetings from The Arctic Mitten.

You know, I have lived here for the majority of my life and while I don’t love winter, I endure it. What is the point of complaining for half the year about something that will be back in half a year?

But PEOPLE, this is a lot of winter!

For goodness sake. The Girls and I were conversing at lunch after church, and marveling at the fact that we were so happy when the thermometer hit 30 degrees. Which was not, by the way, this weekend. No, it was –5 on Friday night and struggled valiantly to hit the 20s yesterday. The sun was out though!

Things we are not taking for granted: our gas fireplace, throw blankets, GLOVES, clear roads, clean cars, fixed potholes. That last one is on the wish list. This is Michigan, they don’t fix no stinkin’ potholes.

Capri Deb and her honey BFG just came back from a delightful Florida vacation on Friday. They did not bring any decent weather with them. We are expecting to be back in the deep freeze all week and that is a rude way to welcome them home Michigan.

In other news, The Ab-Cat started her new and improved medication containing more antihistamines than can be purchased over the counter and has seen nary a hive since!

In other news, her body has decided that she shall never sleep again. I have heard rumors that antihistamines cause people to be sleepy. She is not one of those people.

I have a hectic evening schedule this week.

Tonight I am getting multiple things done to my hair in an effort to relieve myself of myself of my seemingly continual skunk stripe. Things involving hi-lights, a powwow at the beauty supply with my friend Connie, and a new, lighter, semi permanent color with 10 volume peroxide that she has had great success with before on others. Redken Shades EQ has been very, very good to me but it has kicked me to the curb and left me with few options, not to mention exposed grey.

On Tuesday night there is Birthday Club! What is not to love about not cooking dinner and chatting with loverly women?

And then the rest of the evenings are consumed by our grueling Olympics schedule. Also known as the event that comes every four years when Honey burns the candle at both ends even more than usual.

In a word: HOCKEY.

In two words: men AND women.

In another two words: Canada AND USA.

Like it’s his second J.O.B.

For some reason he also watches curling.

It’s like every four years he removes the blue from his flag and returns to his Mother Country.

O Canada, he stands on guard for THEE.

It’s kind of cute actually.

Did anyone else think that USA’s opening ceremony sweaters were a bit….much?


Hi Guys!

Slow blobbing week for me. The headache is 80% better, and for that I am THANKFUL. I am not sure if it was caused by the barometer or the hormonies.

This has been the coldest, snowiest winter we have had in a looooong time. Even for us seasoned Michiganders, this is a lot of winter.

I believe that I mentioned that Honey fell outside the other day. Flat on his back in our snow covered driveway. He said he looked around to see if anyone had witnessed his ….feat, then breathed a sigh of relief. He was alone.

There seems to be a trend going on in our family.

Last week, Mousey came home from work rubbing her backside saying that she had wiped out at the pool. Unlike Honey, she did not take her spill in private. She said her co-worker, while laughing hysterically, asked if she was ok because all they saw were legs up in the air!!!

When relating these two tales of woe to The Boy on the phone, he confessed that he too had wiped out while crossing the street in Chicago! And he evidently had quite the audience!

I joined the club yesterday. I was walking past a table covered with a long tablecloth at BSF yesterday, and in a move I could probably never duplicate again if I tried, my feet got tangled up in that long tablecloth and I timbered down like a giant redwood. My first thought was what the heck, followed immediately by I hope no one saw that!!! Mercifully, no one was around.

I was telling The Girls about the situation when I got home, knowing that they would enjoy hearing about my moment of mortification, when The Ab-Cat volunteered that she too had fallen last week when transferring  from her wheelchair to the throne!! Now don’t get all excited about her falling, it happens and she usually lands safely with no harm done, she is a tough bird. But she was alone, as you usually are, and she had a good laugh all by herself!!!

Anyone else secretly in our club?

Speaking of The Ab-Cat, she is having a bit of trouble. She has become plagued by hives. For no darn good reason that we can see.

They started about mid December, and have never gone away. She has taken Benadryl, Clariton, and a course of steroids, and while these keep the hives and itching at bay, they always come back, like the plagues of Egypt or hungry children.

Lately, they have started affecting her face, which I am sure you can imagine is delightful for a young lady.

She said she wakes up in the morning feeling like Quasimodo on good days,

and an Orc from Lord of the Rings on a bad days!

She doesn’t look that bad!!!!! But she does have some swollen eyes!

When her upper lip swells she DOES look like Bart Simpson, that I will admit!


And the itching, good heavens, she is uncomfortable!

She went back to the doctor on Wednesday who suggested she go and see a dermatologist, which we did yesterday.

The weird thing about these hives is they come and go and move around her body in no particular order. Sometimes it’s her legs, other times her scalp, trunk or arms, lately the facial involvement. Her eyes were all puffy a couple hours before her appointment along with many other parts.

As her appointment drew near, they inexplicably were going away.

NO!!!!!!!. We wanted her to see the doctor in full blown hive attack, in all her hival glory, looking like an ORC!!!!!!

Sometimes warmth draws them out, so we had her sitting in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a down throw, trying to lure them back out. Nothing.

But God, in His infinite wisdom, knew we would have to wait in the warm waiting room for FIFTY MINUTES with our coats on.

By the time we got back there she was itching like she had on hair shirt!

Big old welts, very attractively displayed for the doctor. He did not like the looks of her and really did not like the facial involvement!

He gave her two prescriptions for stronger antihistamines, another for amoxicillin because her lymph nodes were not quite right, an order for much lab work and wants to see her back in two weeks. He said he is going to suppress those hives until they DIE.

We will just be here all weekend, falling, scratching and watching The Olympics. What will you be doing?

Monday, Matresses and MLK

First some mattress talk, then a little list.

Thank you to all who weighed in on their mattresses, it was helpful!  

The mattress “expert” the store sent out has come and gone. He said there was a dip on my side, but it may not be enough to cause it to be labeled defective. We shall see, the expert says they will call in a few days. Even if it is not defective, Gardner White will let us exchange it one time for something else.

We, of course, have to choose one of the mattresses they carry, and we know that sleep number is not one of them. Their comparable choice would be Tempur-Pedic, which we did try and it has the added feature of being able to adjust to different firmness preferences on each side.

I am pretty sure they do not have Sterns and Foster because I remember that they did have this brand at the first store we looked at. They had one that we liked a lot.

As you can imagine, I have been reading mattress reviews, brushing up on my non existent mattress knowledge. I have come to the conclusion that one mans trash is another mans treasure. Love and hate are usually represented with equal vigor.

 I predict an extended trip to Gardner White is in our future, to lay on and write down the brands that they do carry so I can do more learning at home.

On to the list portion of the post.

We watched The Butler last night. That is a hard movie to watch in many parts. It’s hard to believe people could be that awful, but I am sure they were. Once again, I found myself goggling the movie and the characters. They took a lot of creative liberties making that movie as far as his family was concerned. I discovered that the real butler, Eugene Allen and his wife Helene, were even better than the movie portrayed. They sound like a lovely couple.

How ironic that we watched that movie last night and today we celebrate Martin Luther King Junior’s birthday.

Honey was off work last night! He spent the goodish part of his day watching football. He was happy with the outcomes of both games he watched.

Bring on the Super Bowl!

Or as I like to say, bring on the commercials!

Or, bring on the food!!!

He also brought home the best doughnuts for us yesterday. He said he finally succumbed to his craving, so that means doughnuts for everyone! 

Did I talk about American Idol? I can’t remember if I did or not. I am very much looking forward to the judging panel of Keith Urban, Jennifer Lopez and Harry Connick Jr., and YES, I DO know who Harry is!!! There was a whole funny segment about all the people who have no idea who he is. I think he is going to fit in just fine! It will be a welcome relief from the…….whatever that debacle was last year. Made me uncomfortable.

There are already some very good singers! It seemed like a lot of contestants were wearing guitars. Looks like Phillip Phillips has had some influence!

*****Thank you God…… 

…that I was horrified at many scenes from The Butler. It shows that our world has changed a lot since those dark days.

…for Martin Luther King Junior and his message.

…for Eugene Allen, who showed that serving others with excellence, integrity and humility is what You require from us all.

Tuesday Flotsam

We spent quite a bit of time last night playing guess how cold it is now? I can’t ever remember The Mitten behaving so, so……frostily. And FYI, our house is cold, but it is not 62, this thingy sits close to the door wall, so it’s a little skewed.


It keeps saying online that the temps are about-12 for our area and the wind chills are about 30 below, but this device is in a sheltered place on our back porch, not exposed to wind, so I am going with the 26 below!

Mousey left for work at 6:30 and when she pushed the new automatic start on her little black car…..nothing. Dead as a doornail.

As dead as a doornail


Dead, devoid of life (when applied to people, plants or animals). Finished with, unusable (when applied to inanimate objects).

I met her at the back door with the keys to garage parked Juanita, who started right up. She texted after arriving that the roads were not as bad as she had feared, or else Juanita is way better than her car! Could be a bit of both!

Well, I have no need to brave all that mess, so it looks like another homebound day for Capri Kel.

I am glad you are so gracious about the list format because I may just use it again for more random things that don’t fit neatly into a category.

The Boy told me to download Quiz Up on the iPad. I should not have done that. The game matches you up with random partners of like skill for a match of various trivia. As you know, I am a fountain of useless information, this could quite possibly keep me busy until the 12th of NEVER! I have mainly played 20th century history, but last night I discovered they have a Beatles category! I am a little rusty, but I should do very well here!!!! The kids like the Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones categories right nice.

Goomba did not visit with us yesterday, he opted to share his snow day with his mom at her work. Stacey had a picture on instagram of him sitting at a desk, working on some sort of a screen, looking very executive-ish!

I used my extra time to de-silver my part, finish my BSF lesson, Catch up on Words With Friends, read The Long Winter, watch a marathon of House Hunters- Where Are They Now, watch Stargate with The Ab-Cat, and you know, test the limits of my skills on Quiz Up.

Our house has been devoid of Christmas decorations since New Years Day. Hallelujah!!!!!!! Going to bed at 1 a.m. did not stop me from waking at the crack of dawn. After the Danes left at 9 to go back to Chicago, I had an entire day looming ahead of me with no plans. Honey helped me bring up all the boxes before he went back to bed and I just started packing up. I finished around 11 and then joined Honey for a nap. I was very glad to have it done. I always feel like everything needs a super good vacuuming and dusting after all the stuff has been sitting around for a month or so. Yay me!

Mousey and I are having hankerings to hit up a thrift store. We were going to take Danish Fred to the Value World when he was here, but time did not permit. We have no needs, just a strong desire for the hunt of a good bargain. Cheap entertainment. We have tentative plans to meet up with my Father and his wife Marilyn this week in their town for lunch and a field trip. When we visited them last month, our finely tuned thrift senses noticed a HUGE Salvation Army very near them! I am not kidding even a little when I say it was HUGE. They said they had been there briefly before and it sounds interesting. It won’t happen today, as Mousey is already guarding lives and will continue to do so until 4.

Maybe our new couches will come this month!

When my Uncle Bob was here over Christmas we discovered that we share a strange quirk. We knew we both had heels that require the previously mentioned Ped-Egg. We also have an inexplicable itch on our right hip in the winter. How can that be genetic?

Honey sent me this email last night.

Subject: Fwd: Keeping things in perspective………….

March 21, 2010 to October 1, 2013 is 3 years, 6 months and 10 days.
(December 7, 1941 to May 8, 1945 is 3 years, 5 months and 1 day)
What this means is that in the time we were attacked at Pearl Harbor
To the day Germany surrendered is not enough time for this Federal
Government to build a working webpage.  Mobilization of millions, building
Tens of thousands of tanks, planes, jeeps, subs, cruisers, destroyers,
Torpedoes, millions upon millions of guns, bombs, ammo, etc.  Turning
The tide in North Africa, invading Italy , D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Race
To Berlin – all while we were also fighting the Japanese in the Pacific!
And they can’t build a freaking webpage?

Have a good perspective today.


It’s Friday and I have the list.

I’m not going to lie, it’s all over the place.

How come you can clean your house week after week, and then ONE week you see  ginormous spider webs? Could you not see them until they became a certain size? Do you have SUPER busy spiders? Are you going blind?

The Big Bang Theory was very funny last night. I am glad those guys are back!

I would like to see more of Sad Clown Stuart.

And less of Howard with his shirt up.

I don’t like his new haircut either.

But his storyline was HILARIOUS!

What is up with all the owl decor stuff in stores? Sheesh.

Of the five women listed in the genealogy of Christ, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary, which is your favorite?

I go back and forth between Rahab and Ruth.

They were both so brave. Well, they were all brave.

I am a little partial to Ruth because that was my Mother’s name.

I think a lot of owl decor is kind of creepy.

Honey and I are making spaghetti sauce today. Some for the freezer, some for our Caregroup kickoff tonight.

It will be nice to see everyone again 🙂

We ordered our carpeting yesterday!!!!!!!! It should for sure be installed in a month, maybe sooner!!!


But we are going to rip out our old carpet ourselves.

Opposite of squeal.

But we are paying to have them move our furniture the day of installation!!!


Best hundred and something bucks spent EVAH!

Capri Patt is coming to help me paint The Ab-Cat’s bedroom and bathroom on October first!!


We are excited to see how it all comes together!

I PROMISE i will take pictures!

Have a good weekend!

F-List of Many Gifts

Hi Guys.

I just have a little bit of time here before I head out to my Dad’s place. He has listed his house and so far he has had some serious interest in buying. That means my summer just got a whole lot busier! We are tackling some drawers and closets today, and whatever else we have time for. There will be a lot of downsizing involved with this move, so he has some decisions to make.

How about a list?

Capri’s Patt and Deb came yesterday to get their hairs cut. That also involves lunch, Homegoods, Hobby Lobby and now, Yogurt City. Which is good, but can’t compete with Sweet Frog in Virginia. I am truly sorry Yogurt City, but that’s a fact Jack.

I have a sweet bartering deal with these gals. I do their hair, and they help me manage my life.

While she was here, Patt arranged the patio/deck/pool area flower pots for me. She is a pot whisperer. One of her many gifts.

I had another job for her. We are having a clicker problem over here. A serious clicker problem. I said I needed something to corral them. Something…..attractive looking. She found this at Homegoods. Looks like a big book, but it’s sneaky!


The WII clicker isn’t even in there, hasn’t turned up yet. The tv clicker doesn’t fit, it’s too long, but I can handle 1 being out and about!


See? Looks like a book! A big secret squirrel, hiding book!


Deb is my tailor, sewer/mender. She brought me mended sleep pants that we both forgot she had. I swapped them out for more mending. One of her many gifts.

The Peanuts Champ bought me this twinkie at a garage sale, isn’t she a big old hunk of honey? She is so thoughtful! One of her many gifts.


Honey has a new tv show. We think it is intolerable. He calls it The Turtle Man, maybe that is even it’s name. He mimics this ridiculous person’s pose and shouts “LIVE ACTION!!!” . The Girls and I are not sure what to do with this new…character. Imitating characters, one of his many gifts.

Have a good weekend, hope it is full of many gifts.

The Loose Marbles

Hi Guys!

I am going to gather some last thoughts from The Memorial Day Extravaganza Hootenanny of 2013 that are rolling around in my brain like marbles. Everything rolls around in my brain like marbles, random thoughts, to do lists, facts that no one needs to know, memories, and quotes from movies. I say it is what makes me…..unique. Honey says it’s a pure ADD.

Anyhow, I am sure I have forgotten more than I will share, but I will share.

I believe that I have mentioned in years past that Mrs. Schmenkman has Sirius radio in her car. This radio is featured no where else in my life, so I always enjoy listening to hers. We listen to the music of our younger years, country, the present offerings and some comedy channels if we are driving a little further than usual. A lot of the comedy channels are, shall we say, inappropriate, but there are some that are just funny and only mildly inappropriate. Plus, Sirius gives you the added bonus of showing you on the screen who you are listening to, so you might be able to remember who you liked a lot, or if you had better turn the channel quick before your ears catch on fire.

The comedy channel we frequent the most is Blue Collar Comedy and they have an older woman who is HILARIOUS. Her name is Jeanne Robertson, and she tells stories of her life with her husband, Left Brain. She talks about a wide variety of ordinary things but somehow turns them into funny stories, all told in a very southern voice. I share this clip, which is not the funniest thing I have ever heard her tell, but it was short and funny and a good length if you wanted to have a listen and not make a huge commitment. There are lots of other clips on Youtube that are longer, and that is her wheelhouse, weaving you a funny story with lots of detail. She is TOTALLY clean too, check her out.

As we were listening to the music channels, I was reminded that there are always a couple of songs that seem to be featured for the weekend. They just kept coming on! This years featured songs were It’s a Beautiful Day by Michael Buble and Boys Round Here by Blake Shelton, who can be an amusing fellow.

I know that there were several things that happened that I immediately thought “that’s going on the blob!”, but I can only remember one. As we were driving to Winchester I noticed a big church that I didn’t remember seeing before. When I commented about it Schmenky said “ I go there to give blood, they have better snacks”. People, can I just say that this amused me? I said “better than what?” She said that they had homemade snacks prepared my the little old ladies of the congregation, as opposed to the prepackaged stuff you get elsewhere. I was not aware that one could have a favorite blood donation center. I am now aware.

As I mentioned previously, Schmenk has 6 indoor cats. The triplets, Kibbles, Bits and Kubota, and Kismet, Poppet, and Casey Lee Bumgardner. All of her fur children are polite, but Poppet and Casey like me better. Poppet loves me, as she loves all company. But this year, Casey was more attentive than usual. He decided that he liked my hair and would sit behind me and nuzzle my head and mark my hair and then give me a big coco-butt, banging my head with his head. He usually did this when we were watching tv at night. After his……attention, he would sleep on the back of the couch behind me. He felt the need to have his tail on me during this period.








Tail loves.

Speaking of watching tv, on the plane down to Virginia I had a nice, chatty, seatmate. She was telling me that she didn’t watch much tv but she LOVED HGTV, and her favorite show lately was called Rehab Addict. I had never heard of it, but it sounded interesting and like something Honey and I would enjoy. I made a mental note of it and promptly forgot the name of the show. After Schmenky picked me up from the airport I was telling her about my trip down, because I usually have something to report because I attract chatty or unusual people. I know, it’s a gift. I began telling her about my seatmate and the HGTV show that sounded interesting. I evidently did not remember many pertinent details because Schmenk did not know what I was talking about. Later, THAT EXACT SAME EVENING, we were watching HGTV just before going to bed, and there it was, on the tv! She said, “oh yeah, I like this show”. We watched it and I liked it too! Small world. I watched it with Honey last Thursday night and he liked it too!

Ok, those are my random marbles. How about you, any random marbles out there? Do tell.

Horatio Saves The Day

Hi Guys! Holy Moly, where has the month of May gone?? It’s like the weeks after childbirth, tired, incoherent, and tinged with suffering.

I can’t remember when I have been laid so low for so long, GEEZ LOUISE, it seemed never ending! Spring was just starting when I succumbed to The Scourge of Twenty Thirteen. At one doctor appointment, spring was in the air. The second doctor appointment was full on spring, the third, spring was on the wane and it seemed mostly like summer had arrived. All without my knowledge, and seriously, I could have cared less.

Thank you all so much for your comments, prayers and concern, good friends are a kiss on the cheek from God!

The Sickness is broken into three weeks, each highlighted by its own brand of suffering. The first sign of illness began on a Tuesday. The Ab-Cat and I had gone on a dry run to Detroit for her jury duty date. We were looking for the parking garage options, because there was NO WAY she was going to park far away and have to navigate the People Mover, she might have never found her vehicle again! Honey had programmed the GPS with one of the addresses and it kept telling us the parking was on the right, where there was parking, but not the parking we were supposed to use. We just kept going around and around the block, looking for other places.

We finally had a plan, there was a choice A and a choice B, and if those didn’t work I told her to come home and she could be rescheduled. I realize that is probably not the best solution, but Girlfriend was getting stressed, and her hand that works the hand controls was seriously tired. I would have done the same thing, COME AND GET ME COPPER!!!!!

Anyway, all that to say that we were stressed and hot and that is when we made the discovery that the air conditioning in her new van was not working. Not even a little bit. I was very warm, but as you might remember, it is a common state to find myself. I also had a headache, also not uncommon, considering the situation and location. Detroit is not my favorite place to be, and we were not keen on sending our sweet little vulnerable, handicapped daughter down there by herself. I can’t think of an adult who is 100% calm about jury duty, and Detroit is a big, busy place.

So the air conditioner was broken and I was unnaturally warm. You can imagine my surprise when I was freezing a short time later. Something in my memory, from decades past, was jogged and I took my temperature. 101, well that was unusual. I seriously cannot tell you the last time I had a fever. We are not a feverish bunch around here. It was very odd. By the evening it was 102 and my only symptoms were the headache and my body felt achy. I figured I had the flu and called Jip the Farm Dog to let her know that I was iffy for BSF. I never did go.

The rest of the week was passed on the couch. Really, on the couch. I did nothing except drink fluids, take my fluctuating temperature, alternate between sweating and freezing, and watch CSI MIAMI and Criminal Minds, because they are on all the time. I felt terrible, but was sure it was just a virus. I had a scheduled doctor appointment on Friday for something unrelated and decided to keep it as I had already rescheduled it once. It felt good to be cleaned up and dressed for about 5 minutes, and then I longed to put my jammies back on and lay back down on the couch.

Around this time Honey said he wasn’t feeling well. Honey is rarely sick either. He had a horrible cold and cough and he then took up residence on the other couch for the week. As you know, we are married and we have to do everything together. Including the sickness and health part evidently.

We were at Judgment Call Friday. Does that happen to you? It has happened here many times, usually involving children. You either go to the doctor now, or you wait until after the weekend.I had considered going to see the doctor, but I had only had a fever for 4 days and it seemed like it was just flu-ish, and what was she going to do for that? I made the decision that I would go to the doctor on Monday if I didn’t feel better. The decision ensured I would have the worst weekend I could have anticipated.

Oh, the headache, the body aches, the SWEATING, the freezing, and the feeling that can only be described as my eyes bugging out of my head. The fever was 104 and that was going the wrong way. I made a date with the doctor on Monday. She knows that I like to have a strange illness every May, right before I head down to Virginia for my annual Memorial Day Weekend Extravaganza Hootenanny at Mrs. Schmenkman’s house. She took blood and urine and then gave me the sad, sad news. I had a symptom free UTI. I have heard of this ailment on three other occasions, and all three involved elderly women!!! What exactly was she trying to say????

The last UTI I had was when I was pregnant with Mousey, some 19 years ago. And let me tell you, it was not symptom free. How could this be? I guess I am old. Elderly Capri Kel.

She put me on a five day course of Cipro. Did you know that they give Cipro if you might be exposed to anthrax? I learned that from Criminal Minds, fancy that! I felt a change by the next day. I had a couple of days when I thought I was returning to the land of the living. I had great hopes and dreams that I would be off the couch and could say goodbye to my new best friends from CSI MIAMI. I had switched from regular tv to Netflix, where I could watch episode after episode, with no thought or care. It was at this point that I let the good folk from Criminal Minds go. They still had commercials. It became all CSI Miami, all the time.

Then I entered the second phase of sickness. I caught Honey’s horrible cold that weekend and slipped back into my haze of ill health. By that time I was thoroughly disgusted with our faulty Netflix. It is of the devil. It only connects when IT wants to, it interrupts for NO GOOD REASON, and sometimes it tells you, right in the middle of an episode, that it’s done for the day. Netflix, you are dead to me. Abby graciously went and got me seasons of CSI MIAMI from our library. Did you know that show was on for 10 years!!?? She had to make two library runs. I have now completed the first four seasons of CSI MIAMI. Yea me.

I finally made it back to BSF last Thursday, with my tail hanging about half mast. But I still wasn’t feeling good or right. I had finished my anti-anthrax meds a few days before and my cold was improving, but I was having some familiar unwelcome symptoms again. I had a headache, I resumed with the sweating, what is up with the sweating, and had that eyes bugging out of my head feeling again. Jip the Farm Dog convinced me to call and get a doctor appointment that day, and she was right. It was back.

The doctor thinks the cold diverted my immune system, and she put me on a different antibiotic for ten days. I reminded her that I am leaving for Virginia this Thursday and I need to not be dealing with the sweating, eye bugging girl while I am gone. She agreed. This round should carry me through until I get home. Not that I am expecting it to come back again, but you never know. 

It’s a good thing I am feeling better, I am all finished with the CSI MIAMI’s Abby brought from the library. Thanks Lt. Horatio Caine and all of your CSI team, you have served me well.

Cats, Burgers, and Bobcat Pretzel

This morning I was woke by a cat, with a very large girth, chasing her tail. REPEATEDLY. At 6a.m. What the heck Mia? She only does that on days when I don’t need to be up at 6. She is like my own personal alarm clock.

I set a goal for myself on Saturday. To Windex the kitchen door wall. Set and met Baby! And then I completely topped myself by vacuuming. After that kind of day, I could not manage dinner so we headed over to a neighboring town for a burger. This placed boasted of stuffed burgers, stuffed with mashed potatoes, mushrooms, bacon, feta, mac and cheese, among other things. Honey and Ab-Cat chose cheddar, bacon and mushroom stuffing. I chose no stuffing, because they looked too big, and there had been mention of ice cream. Mousey had a chicken sandwich, because she is opposed to beef. Honey and Ab said they would go again and try and take The Boy because he is all for stuffed food. I would decline, as they had seasoned ground beef and I am strictly a salt and pepper hamburger girl. Mousey could probably be swayed. The fries were good though!

Sometime this weekend we watched The Impossible. Possibly the most uncomfortable movie I have encountered since the one about the climber who cut off his own hand. This was about the tsunami in Thailand and was heartbreakingly sad and good at the same time. If you can watch it sitting still, you are better than me. It was hard to dodge all that debris, just saying.

This is Mousey’s last week of her first year of college! I took her picture because she looked so cute, and this may have been the first time all year that she wasn’t wearing sweat pants! She cannot believe how FAST the year went! Please forgive the bad staging.


And another with her girl Lucy. Who whined and carried on because NONE of out cats are willing to be held. EVER.


She left us in a huff, leaving behind anger fur all over Mousey’s top.

At some point over the weekend, we Girls watched Two Weeks Notice with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. We had seen it years before and liked it both times. I have one other thing to say; Bobcat pretzel.

After Saturday’s glorious, warm and sunny day, we had to have some yucky to be fair. Michigan is nothing if not fair. It rained cats and dogs and antelope all day yesterday and it made for a perfect laundry day. Honey dozed on the couch like a cat while I lay on the heating pad and  kept up with my heavy schedule of Words With Friends. People, I tell you it’s like a job! It’s like we are 93 years old.

Today is reserved for doing my BSF lesson and running errands. Of which I must GIT to.

Have a productive Monday.

The Fine Girl List

After another week of all over the board weather, today looks promising! It’s 9:00 and already 46 degrees, very promising, considering we had undecided snow/rain on Wednesday.

Onward ho, to the Friday List!

American Idol is getting hard. I think all of those girls could be the winner, and that is not something that can always be said at his point in the competition.They all are consistently good and they all consistently do too many vocal runs for my tastes, so they are all neck and neck. If I’m being honest with myself, I think my favorite is Candice Glover.

She’s a fine girl.

Keelyody, the walking buddy, had to go up to Michigan State for a couple days. Her oldest son is graduating very soon and they were having a special day that I cannot remember the name of. She asked if Mousey and I could watch her only daughter.

I went over to visit with her while she had breakfast bones and a belly rub.

Meet Carole Junior.


Otherwise known as C.J.


I forgot how sweet poochi-doos can be!


She is a fine girl.

I had a very nice lunch with Capri Deb yesterday after BSF. As usual, we talked much and solved many world problems, and she gave me this;


an invitation to her Artist of the Month show in May!!!!! She is a wonderful artist and she and her multi-talented husband, BFG, are showing their wares before God and all mankind from May 1 until June26 at Two Twelve Arts Center in Saline, Michigan. You’re ALL invited!!!!!

She has shown some of her other work on her own blob here.

She’s a fine girl!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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